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About Me

Hello, my name is Noelle Sadaka.

          I want to preface this by saying that I am neither a lawyer nor a professional. I am a student at Duquesne University studying Forensic Science and Law. Currently, I am finishing my fourth year and obtaining my bachelor's degree in biochemistry with a minor in biology and mathematics. I will be moving directly into a fifth year at Duquesne University to obtain my master's degree in Forensic Science and Law. 

So what makes me create such a website?

          I, myself, have been a victim of sexual assault in two separate instances in my life. I know how difficult navigating such a circumstance can be. Not only is it difficult to handle the mental trauma that comes along with it, but it is also difficult and confusing to decide if it is worth it to pursue the justice process. Furthermore, upon deciding to pursue justice, the process of the trial and prosecution can be long, confusing, and mentally exhausting. However, I firmly believe that this is a worthwhile process. Following my rape at the age of thirteen, I kept it to myself and decided that it was best to handle it on my own. I did not want to worry my family or friends nor did I want my perpetrator to get punished. This resulted in many years of struggling alone, facing depression, and facing social paranoia. Upon being sexually assaulted at the age of nineteen, I decided that I could no longer face it alone. I opened up to my friends and family and also sought to press charges and gain justice for myself. Additionally, I pursued therapy and counseling to handle my trauma. After the long justice process, I have found peace through successfully convicting my perpetrator, working to better myself, and opening up to those around me. I have not only worked to learn to handle and get past my trauma symptoms, but I have also become a better and stronger version of myself. I could not have done this without the help of my sexual assault resources and representatives. 

          After witnessing the tribulations of this process, I was inspired to work towards the reform of the justice system. I have been and am continuing to conduct research. The title of my research is, "The Role of Juror Bias Relating to Sexual Assault Cases." Throughout my research, I am evaluating the biases that many jurors have when evaluating sexual assault cases. These biases ultimately have a negative impact on the justice or lack thereof that many victims may receive. This is a very large issue and one that I am very passionate about working to lessen. My goal in making this website is to help inform those who have been affected by sexual assault of some of the factors that they may face throughout the process. Specifically, I aim to educate about the forms of bias that may affect the way that society and juries may view their cases. It is important to understand these issues to better gain justice and move forward from trauma. Additionally, I am providing a list of resources to go to that may help both with the legal considerations as well as in finding therapy and counseling resources. I hope that in becoming educated about some of the issues present in the justice systems, survivors of sexual assault may find a path to find their voice. 

          Victims of sexual assault can come together from many different communities. Men, women, and the LGBTQ+ community across all races, religions, and lifestyles have been affected by sexual assault. With the very widespread diversity within sexual assault victims, there is seen a large amount of bias against different diverse communities. This bias is harmful and hurtful to many involved. In order to lessen this bias, it is important to first become educated on the bias they may face. Members of these communities may find solace in knowing that other people have gone through similar situations as them. For this reason, I have included the option to share your story through this website. I have also provided some readings that may help in your mental health journey and in finding other people's stories that may help you.

My mission is to help those affected by sexual assault to find resources, find their voice, gain justice, and become the best version of themselves that they can be. No one has to handle this alone.

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