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You do not have to handle this alone. 

Below are listed some resources that you can go to, both for aid in the criminal justice process and your mental health. Find an organization that would be of help to you and click the logo to follow the link.



Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN):

This is a national hotline and their website also has information about sexual violence, prevention and resources


RAINN State Resource Listing:

In addition to their main website, provided is their list of state resources for each of the states in the United States.

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National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC):

This provides research & tools about sexual assault and harassment. It also provides resources for survivors as well as those who know someone who has been affected. 


Planned Parenthood:

For those who have been impregnated due to a sexual assault and want to explore the options available. 

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National Domestic Violence Hotline:

In cases of domestic violence, this resource provides a safe and effective way to access help.



This resource helps to learn more about local laws, services available across the commonwealth and to find information/resources on sexual violence. 


This contact includes information and support, including access to a chat portal and the 24/7 Helpline. They also provide legal help throughout the court process and mental health counseling.

Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape (PCAR):

Pittsburgh Action Against Rape (PAAR): 

College Campuses


Title IX:

The website attached is for the general information about the Title IX legislation. Use this information to find the Title IX coordinator for your specific college campus. 

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